For the ninth time a high-ranking jury of experts selected 25 ‘green’ visionaries from 21 different countries out of 602 applicants from over 95 countries as the "Green Talents 2017", tomorrow's leading scientists in the field of sustainable development.
Part of the prestigious award was an invitation to participate in the "Green Talents - International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development", a two week travel to Germanys sustainability hot spots within the research field. During the Science Forum the Green Talents not only gained insights into the country's innovation system but also into funding possibilities, institutes and universities as well as exchanged their own ideas and projects with leading experts of their field during individual appointments. The award year 2017 was connected to the Science Year thematic focus "Sustainable Production and Consumption". Have a look at the profiles of the awardees and the sites and sustainability hot spots they have discovered during their travel.
Award Ceremony 2017

On 27 October 2017 the winners of the Green Talents Competition 2017 have been honoured under the patronage of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. In 2017 General Director Matthias Graf von Kielmansegg awarded the outstanding scientists during the festive award ceremony in Berlin.