PhD in Mechanical Engineering
Current position: Assistant Professor at Faculty of Engineering, Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, Brazil
Research focus: fuel cells and the use of biomass as a renewable energy source
This kind of technology is particularly relevant in Antonio’s home country: Brazil is one of the largest ethanol producers in the world, so such a technology would have huge potential for the future, as it would make fuel production more environmentally sustainable and economically viable.
Thus, Antonio works as a teacher for disadvantaged young people. He not only teaches them geography, but also discusses current issues of sustainability with them, taking into account the subject of conflicts over resources.
CV as submitted for the Green Talents award (2009):
São Paulo State University, Brazil
Research focus: fuel cells and the use of biomass as a renewable energy source
Antonio Carlos Caetano de Souza is currently working on his dissertation in the field of mechanical engineering at São Paulo State University (UNESP) in Brazil. His research focuses on the generation of hydrogen on the basis of biogas and its association with fuel cells. He has a particular interest in the conversion of glycerol, a by-product of the biodiesel production, into hydrogen for energy generation. This kind of technology is particularly relevant in de Souza’s home country: Brazil is one of the largest ethanol producers in the world, so such a technology would have huge potential for the future, as it would make fuel production more environmentally sustainable and economically viable.
With his participation in the Green Talents Forum, de Souza hopes to initiate a collaboration between his research group and scientific institutions in Germany. In the opinion of the jury, Antonio Carlos Caetano de Souza’s work as a teacher for disadvantaged young people was particularly commendable. He not only teaches them geography, but also discusses current issues of sustainability with them, taking into account the subject of conflicts over resources.