PhD in Environmental Science and Engineering
Current position: Professor at College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, China
Research focus: water technologies
Bo has a broad interest in environmental technologies, which goes beyond the area of water in the strictest sense. He is also interested in renewable energies, contaminated land management, and environmental remediation.
CV as submitted for the Green Talents award (2009):
Shenzhen University, China
Research focus: water technologies
Bo Yang conducts research at the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Shenzhen University in China. He is working on disposal technologies for typical organic pollutants in water using methods such as chemical reduction, UV oxidation, and others. He also designed water treatment specifically for industrial wastewater from printing and dyeing. Shenzhen is one of the world’s fastest growing cities and a major industrial center with intense manufacturing. As a result, industrial wastewater is an important issue in the southern Chinese city.
Through his participation in the Green Talents Forum, Bo Yang hopes to become acquainted with new methods of wastewater treatment and to deepen his existing contacts to German scientists as well as establish new relationships to young international researchers. The jury valued Bo Yang’s broad interest in environmental technologies, which goes beyond the area of water in the strictest sense. He is also interested in renewable energies, contaminated land management and environmental remediation.