Dr Julia NIKITCHENKO (Ukraine)

Julia’s scientific work focuses on waste and resource recuperation, specifically that of scrap tyres. She approaches this problem in an interdisciplinary way, which allowed her to improve the technology used to process scrap tyres. In effect, this reduces time and amount of energy needed while also eliminating associated air pollution and secondary waste. The process does improve the quality of recycled products as well.

PhD in Ecology

Current position: Research Assistant National Aviation University, Ukraine

Research focus: recycling of scrap tires and application of secondary raw materials

Beyond purely technical aspects, Julia has developed a scrap-tyre management system for dealing with collection and transport of scrap tyres. In addition, she has designed a method of accounting for all tyres sold and collecting them again at the end of their lifecycle. She has also calculated ecological and economic effects of such a centralised collection and treatment system for scrap tyres.

Julia is also the founder of the “Scientific and Technical Association of Chemmotologists”. This organisation was formed to propagate information about the rational use of fuels and lubricants and to investigate alternative energy sources, the efficient use of natural resources, and other environmental topics.

CV as submitted for the Green Talents award (2010):

National Aviation University, Ukraine

Research focus: recycling of scrap tires application of secondary raw materials

She is also the founder of the “Scientific and Technical Association of Chemmotologists.” This organisation was formed to propagate information about the rational use of fuels and lubricants and to investigate alternative energy sources, the efficient use of natural resources and other environmental topics.

Ms Nikitchenko’s scientific work focuses on waste and resource recuperation, specifically that of scrap tyres. She approaches this problem in an interdisciplinary way that takes a number of different factors into account. This has allowed her to improve the technology used to process scrap tyres. In effect, this reduces time and amount of energy needed while also eliminating associated air pollution and secondary waste. What is more, the process does improve the quality of recycled products as well.

Beyond purely technical aspects, Ms Nikitchenko has developed a scrap-tyre management system for dealing with collection and transport of scrap tyres. In addition, she has designed a method of accounting for all tyres sold and collecting them again at the end of their lifecycle. She has also calculated ecological and economic effects of such a centralised collection and treatment system for scrap tyres. Her findings have been discussed at both national and international conferences and have been published in scientific journals.

Considering the amounts of waste generated by discarded tyres, the jury felt that Ms Nikitchenko’s work is highly relevant to an efficient use of resources and raw material recuperation. As such, it is an important contribution to a sustainable future.

“Germany is a world leader in environmental technologies and innovations,” says Nikitchenko about her interest in the Green Talents Forum. “I would like to combine my scientific efforts in the field of sustainable development with other scientists for international cooperation.”