Professor Dr Lucia Reisch was born in Stuttgart and studied Economics at the University of Hohenheim followed by Business Administration at the University of California in Los Angeles, United States. In 2006, she was appointed Professor of Intercultural Consumer Research and European Consumer Policy at Copenhagen Business School. Since January 2011, she also holds a permanent Guest Professorship at the Zeppelin University of Friedrichshafen leading the Research Center for Consumer, Markets and Politics.
Prof Reisch is the publisher of the international “Journal of Consumer Policy” and has published more than 350 scientific articles. Her main research focus is on sustainable consumption and production, intercultural consumer behaviour, consumers and new technologies, consumer policy issues and behavioural economics. In her current research projects in Germany and Europe she highlights topics such as sustainable nutrition, sustainable fashion and health behaviour of children and adolescents. In 2014, Prof Reisch became Chairman of the Advisory Council on Consumer Affairs at the Federal Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection. Since 2010, she is a member of the German Council for Sustainable Development advising the German government on its sustainable development policy. She is also a member of the German Bioeconomy Council and was elected lifelong member of the Academy of Technical Sciences (acatech).
Professor Lucia Reisch - Full Professor of Consumer Research and European Consumer Policy

“In times of fake news, rising climate change scepticism, and retrograde doubt in scientific results and empirically-based politics, young outstanding minds active in environmental and sustainability research are perhaps the most important hope and treasure of international society. Let's support and nourish these talents to become responsible leaders in academia and politics."