A total of 234 young scientists from 57 countries had applied to become one of the "Green Talents" in 2010. The first round of the Green Talents Competition in 2009 had generated 156 applications out of 43 countries. The increased interest in the competition underlines the growing importance of themes such as climate change, future of energy resources and environmental hazards among young researchers worldwide. "This award is a signal", said Minister Schavan during the award ceremony at the 7th BMBF Forum for Sustainability (FONA) in Berlin: "We want to engage together in climate change, energy safety and resource efficiency."
The International Science Forum 2010

During the "Green Talents Forum" taking place from 1 November to 11 November 2010, the winners visited German universities, research institutes and companies and got to know exemplary projects from different fields of sustainable development. You can find more information as well as the video diaries in the station portraits below.