The 2012 Green Talents - International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development started with a get-to-know dinner at the day of arrival.
The next day, Mr Volkmar Dietz, Head of Division Sustainability, Climate, Energy in the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) officially inaugurated the forum 2012 on the 10th of October in Ludwigshafen. With his introduction into the German research landscape and the FONA-Programme he opened the workshop on research and funding opportunities in Germany, which was the first official item of that year's agenda. During the day, representatives of DAAD, Helmholtz Association, Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation, Leibniz Association and the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. (IASS) Potsdam were presenting the institutions and relevant funding and research programmes. The Green Talents learned a lot about how research is organized and funded in Germany and were therewith well prepared for their tour through Germany.
Workshop on Research and Funding Opportunities in Germany

The Green Talents Tour 2012 started with a workshop on research an funding opportunities in Germany. Equipped with a first overview of the German research landscape, the Green Talents then went deeper into detail during the station visits.