For 25 years, the institute has been developing scientific basis for decision-making as well as future-orientated concepts for policy makers, civil society, and economy on a regional, national, and international level. ISOE takes a transdisciplinary approach to the pressing global problems of water shortage, climate change, loss of biodiversity, and land degradation. In finding sustainable solutions to everyday challenges, they take social, economic, and ecological conditions into account. Today, ISOE has approximately 50 permanent staff members, 36 of whom are engaged in scientific research. The institute is made up of six research units. Scientists are supported by Internal Services, Knowledge Communication and Public Relations, as well as Science Coordination and their own library.
The Green Talents will gain insight on several lighthouse projects of the ISOE during their visit. Amongst others, these projects will be presented:
- CuveWaters – Integrated Water Resources Management in Northern Namibia, with the aim to strengthen the potential of the region’s resources by developing, adapting and implementing innovative technologies for water supply and sanitation. The international joint project is led and coordinated by ISOE.
- LOEWE Biodiversity and Climate Change Research Centre BiK-F, where research is carried out on the mutual influence of climate change and changes in biodiversity, the ensuing management of ecosystems, and how these can be imparted to stakeholders. ISOE is a partner of the Centre.
- KlimaAlltag – low carbon lifestyles in the zero emissions city, is a project investigating low carbon lifestyles in different social strata. The transdisciplinary researcher team working on KlimaAlltag is examining how everyday routines in different social classes can be changed, and how climate-friendly ways of life can be supported. The focus is on mobility, nutrition, home living, and household energy consumption.
- micle – Climate Change, Changes to the Environment and Migration in Sahel, examines whether climate-related changes to the environment are the trigger for migratory movement by linking social and scientific data. The project seeks to bring about a better understanding of the complex interactions between ecological, social, economic and political factors.
- mobile2020 – Promoting Cycling in Central and Eastern Europe. The project sets out to promote the use of bicycles in small and medium-sized towns with a population of up to 350,000. The aim is to reach up to 350 local authorities during the course of the project using a two-stage procedure. People in eleven countries are being trained as 'disseminators'.